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Yag Yakıcı besinler sitesi
« : 28 Ekim 2011, 11:02:00 »


Yag yakici bitkiler ve zayiflatan meyveler sebzeler ile zayiflama

Diledigimiz kadar yiyecegi buzdolabindan cikarip yesek ve bir yandan da zayiflasak hic fena olmazdi degil mi? Aslinda yag yakici bitkiler, meyveler ve sebzeler bu olanagi bizlere taniyor. Bu yag yakan yiyeceklerin ne oldugu konusunda az bucuk fikriniz vardir. Ananas ve kahvenin zayiflatan yiyecekler oldugunu sagda solda cok soylerler. Aslinda bu besinler zayiflamaya yardimcidir. Ama bazi besinler vardir ki gercekten yedikce zayiflatir ve pek bilinmezler. Simdi bunlara kisaca bir goz atalim.

Yag yakici yiyecekler

Yag yakici yiyecekler

Tropikal meyveler (Ananas, Kiwi, Papaya)
Ananas zayiflatirmi: Ananas meyvesinin yag yakan meyveler grubundan oldugu iyi bilinir. Ananas icerisinde bulunan enzimler vucuttaki bolgesel yaglari eritici etkilere sahiptir. Keza ananas gibi papaya ve kiwi de yag yakici etkileri olan tropikal meyveler dendir. Yag yakan tropikal meyvelerin en onemli ozelligi vucuda alinan asiri miktardaki sekerin kana karismasini onlemektir. Ananas meyvesi ise fiber, su dan mutesekkildir. Bu nedenle bir yandan kac sekerinin anormal duzeyde yukselmesini engellerken diger yandan da sindirim sistemini asiri oranda calistirarak fazladan kalori yakimina sebep olur. Tabi bir de ananas icerisindeki yag yakan enzimlerin etkisini ilave edersek ananas turu tropikal meyvelerin her bakimdan yag yakici zayiflatan yiyecekler oldugunu kolaylikla soyleyebiliriz. Ancak uzun sure bu tur zayiflatan meyveler ile beslenmek cok ta saglikli bir zayiflama yontemi ve teknigi degildir. Ananas turu zayiflatan tropikal meyve diyeti veya kuru uygulayacaksaniz yaninda muhakkak proteince zengin ve besleyici ozellikleri olan balik eti, kirmizi et tuketirken diger yandan da unlu ve nisastali gidalari kesmelisiniz. Bu suretle kisa surede hizli zayiflama yasayabilesiniz.

Siyah, Yesil Cay ve kahve
Cay ve kahve de metabolizma hizlandiran ve kalori yakimini aktive eden ozellikte olan iceceklerdir. Ancak cay ve kahvenin yag yakici etkisi sinirli duzeydedir. Vucudumuz bir sure sonra cay ve kahvenin zayiflatan etkisine alismakta ve bu tur zayiflatan iceceklerin kilo verdirici etkisi azalmaktadir. Ayrica asiri miktarda yesil cay, siyah cay ve kahve tuketimi, uykusuzluk ve ashabiyeti artirmakta, diger yandan da kalbe yuk olusturmaktadir. Gunluk olarak 4-5 bardaktan fazla cay ve kahve tuketimini tavsiye etmemekteyiz.

Aci biber ve baharatlar
Aci biber, kirmizi biber, pul biber, sivri biber, karabiber, tarcin, zencefil ve ginseng gibi baharatlar da yag yakici zayiflatan etkilere sahiptir ve metabolizmayi hizlandirir. Aci biber turu baharatlarda bulunan capcaicin maddesi, kan dolasimini hizlandirarak vucut isisini yukseltmektedir. Bu da gunluk olarak % 10 daha fazla enerji tuketimi manasina gelmektedir. Diyet esnasinda acili baharatlar kullanmak yenilen yiyecekleri daha cabuk yaktigi ve metabolizma hizlandiran bitkisel etkiler olusturdugu icin diyet uzmanlarinca tavsiye edilmektedir. baharatli bitkiler ile birlikte iyotlu tuz kullanmak ta metabolizma artirici etki icermektedir. Ancak asiri miktarda iyot alimindan da sakinilmalidir.


L-carnitine enzimi, atletlerin dayanikliligini artirmak, ve yag yaktirarak zayiflatmak icin kullanilan bir gida destek takviyesidir. L-carnitine ayrica dogal olarak besinlerde de bulunmaktadir.L-carnitine metabolizmayi hizlandirarak yaglarin kas hucrelerinde yakilmasini hizlandirmaktadir. L-carnitine gibi yag yakici enzimler iceren Et, balik, kumes hayvanlari ve sut gibi besinler de enerji harcanmasi bakimindan onemli gidalardir. Kirmizi etin rengi ne kadar kirmizi olursa icerisindeki L-carnitine (karnitin) seviyesi de o denli yuksek olmaktadir. Sut ve sut urunleri icerisinde en fazla karnitin iceren gida peyniralti suyudur. Ozellikle zayiflamak icin sabahlari ve aksamlari bir bardak peyniralti suyunu icmenizi tavsiye ediyoruz.

HIndiba sebzesi, metabolizma hizlandiran ve icerisinde barindirdigi, intybin' ve 'taraxin' gibi maddeler ile yag yakan bitkisel ozellikler gosterdigi bilinir. Tatli krizi geciren kisilerin tatliya karsi olan istahlarini azaltmalari icin hindiba tuketmelerini tavsiye etmekteyiz.

Greyfurt, kendi adina ozel bir diyeti olan (greyfurt diyeti) yag yakici bir meyvedir. Greyfurt icerisinde bulunan ozel birtakim maddeler hem kan sekerini dengelemekte hem de bolgesel yaglarin kaslarda yakilmasini saglamaktadir. Icerisinde bolca bulundurdugu C vitamini de cabasi tabi.

Yogurt, sut urunleri icerisinde Kalsiyum bakimindan en zengin gidadir. Kalsiyumun yag yakma metabolizmasindaki kritik rolu nedeniyle bolca tuketilmesi tavsiye edilir. Tabi negatif kalori etkisi gostermesi icin yagsiz yogurt tuketilmelidir. olmadan metabolizmamiz sadece sinirli bir sekilde calismasini surduruyor.

Domatese kirmizi rengini veren likopen hem yag yakici hem de kanser onleyici ve antioksidan etkili bir maddedir.

Sogan ve Sarimsak
sogan ve sarimsakta bulunan Cystein ve Glutatyon gibi antioksidan maddeler hem metabolizmayi hizlandirarak yag yakimi saglamakta hem de kansere, kalbe yasiliga bitkisel cozum sunmaktadir.

Fruits, vegetables and fat-burning plants and weaken the attenuation

The refrigerator until the food we eat, and while we wish emissary zayiflasak not bad at all would not be? Actually, fat-burning plants, fruits and vegetables are better to us this possibility. This idea has a smattering of what foods burn fat. Pineapple on the right and left, many say that coffee weakens foods. Actually it is helpful nutrients weaken. But there are some foods that really weakens yedikce and many unknowns. Now, let's review them briefly.

Fat burning foods

Fat burning foods

Tropical fruits (pineapple, kiwi, papaya)
Pineapple zayiflatirmi: where the group is well-known fruit of the pineapple plant oil-burning. Pineapple enzymes within the body, which has an impact on regional fat melting. Likewise, such as pineapple, papaya and kiwi fruit, a tropical rence is the fat-burning effects. Fat-burning excessive amounts of tropical fruits, the most important feature of the body taken to prevent mixing of the blood sugars. But the fruit of pineapple fiber, consisting of water from. Therefore, while preventing the rise of abnormal levels of sugar and a few on the other hand, the digestive system, causing excessive rate yakimina extra calories by running. Of course, the grease-burning enzymes of pineapple and a pineapple round tropical fruits all respects if we add the effect of fat burning foods that can easily tell that you are weakened. However, the long period of time weakens the fruits of this tour was not very healthy diet and a Weight Loss Program and is not technique. Weaken the next round of pineapple tropical fruit will perform a certain protein-rich diet and nutritional properties, or dry the fish, meat, red meat in the flour and starchy foods on the other hand you must consume. Accordingly, the short period of time to enjoy with attenuation.

Black, green tea and coffee
Tea and coffee, which activates the metabolism, stimulate and calorie expenditure are drinks that property. However, tea and coffee, fat-burning effect is limited. Your body gets used to the effect of undermining a period of time after the tea and coffee drinks, and this tour debilitating effect of weight loss is reduced. In addition, excessive amount of green tea, black tea and coffee consumption, insomnia and ashabiyeti increases, the other hand, constitute the heart, yuk. More than 4-5 cups of tea and coffee consumption on a daily basis do not recommend.

Hot peppers and spices
Cayenne pepper, red pepper, red pepper, green pepper, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger and spices such as ginseng also has an impact on fat-burning weakens and speeds up the metabolism. Capcaicin tour agent in hot pepper spices, accelerating the body heat increases blood circulation. This is the daily energy consumption 10% more can be desired. Diet foods eaten during the emergency room to use spices and metabolism burning faster than SPEED UP for vegetable diet affects the constructs are recommended by experts. ta with the use of iodised salt, spicy plants intended to include an increasing effect on metabolism. However, the purchase of excessive amounts of iodine should be avoided.


The enzyme L-carnitine, increasing the durability of athletes, and fat yaktirarak use to weaken support for a food supplement. L-carnitine also bulunmaktadir.L-carnitine metabolism, speeding up the natural oils in the foods accelerates the burning of muscle cells. Fat-burning enzymes, such as L-carnitine containing meat, fish, poultry, and dairy foods, such as nutrients are also important for energy expenditure. The red color of red meat, no icerisindeki L-carnitine (carnitine) levels are higher in the so. Milk and milk products within a maximum of foods containing carnitine, whey water. To lose weight, especially in the mornings and evenings are recommended to drink a glass of whey.

Chicory root vegetables, metabolism accelerating and improved secure, intybin 'and' taraxin 'substances such as oil-fired plant with known features, for. Fresh attacks against people with bad debts which you are advised to consume chicory to reduce appetite.

Grapefruit, on our behalf, which is a special diet (grapefruit diet), fat-burning is a fruit. Is some special substances found in grapefruit and balancing blood sugar and oils as well as regional muscle burning Electronics Corporation. Holds a lot of vitamin C is also enclosed within subject.

Yogurt, milk products within the most calcium rich food. Because of the critical role of calcium metabolism, burning fat is recommended to be consumed in abundance. Of course, to show the negative effect of calories consumed fat-free yogurt. continues to operate as only a limited metabolism is without.

That the red color of tomatoes and lycopene, an antioxidant and an effective fat burner as well as cancer-preventive agent.

Onions and Garlic
Glutathione antioxidant substances such as onion and garlic in the Cystein and speeding up metabolism and fat burning as well as providing cancer, heart yasiliga herbal solution.

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« Son Düzenleme: 28 Ekim 2011, 19:48:54 Gönderen: sevdaligul »

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