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Dogum sertifikasi
« : 31 Ekim 2011, 10:28:28 »


dogum (nedir)
Dogma isi, tevellut, veladet.
Bir kimsenin dogdugu yil.
Yeni bir bebegin dunyaya gelis olayi
 Natal. nursing. obstetric. puerperal. birth. delivery. accouchement. childbearing. nativity. parturition. termination of pregnancy.
 Bearing. birth. childbirth. delivery. labour.
 Birth. delivery. parturition. year of birth. confinement. births marriages and deaths. child birth. childbirth. match and dispatch hatch.
belge (nedir)
Bir gercege taniklik eden yazi, fotograf, resim, film vb. vesika, dokuman
Ornek: Mahkemenin elinde bu iddialari yalanlayacak bir belge yoktu. T. Bugra
Bir olguyu ya da bir savin dogrulugunu gosteren, basili da olabilen kanitlayici gerec.
Bir gercege taniklik eden yazi, fotograf, resim, film vb. vesika, dokuman.
 Document. certificate. voucher. brief. card. deed. instrument. letter. muniment. note. present. record. reference. sheepskin.
 Certificate. document. voucher.
 Certificate. document. deed. record. voucher. voucher copy. instrument. paper. process. proof. testimonial.
birth certificate (nedir)
Dogum belgesi, nufus kaydi
birth (nedir)
I. dogum, dogma, dogus, veladet; soy, nesep; baslangic, kaynak; zuhur. birth control dogum kontrolu. birthday i. dogum gunu .birthmark i. dogustan var olan yuz veya vucuttaki leke. birthplace i. dogum yeri. birth rate nufusa gore dogum orani. birthright i. dogustan kazanilan hak. birthstone i. bir kimsenin dogdugu ayi temsil eden ve kendisine ugur getirecedine inanilan tas. give birth to dogurmak, meydana getirmek, kaynak teskil etmek.
I. dogum, dogma, dogus, dogurma, yavrulama; kaynak; koken, soy, nesil
certificate (nedir)
(i). belge, vesika; sertifika, tasdikname, sahadetname; ruhsat; diploma. birth certificate nufus kâgidi. health certificate saglik belgesi. certificate of origin mense belgesi, rapor. certificate of registry gemi tasdiknamesi. stock certificate hisse senedi.
(f). belge vermek, belgelemek, tevsik etmek; vesika veya sertifika saglamak. certifica'tion (i). belgeleme; ruhsat.
F. belge vermek, belgelemek, ruhsat vermek

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Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor. Üye Ol ya da Giriş Yap
Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor. Üye Ol ya da Giriş Yap

Kinship certification is a rattling key document which is requisite for applying to colleges and for many added reasons. You should livelihood it carefully. Withal, sometimes, whatever fill end up losing their kinship certificate due to different reasons - stealing, misplacement, supply or physical misfortune. Do not disorder if you regress your alteration credentials because the Division of Essential Statistics can amend you replacing this valuable writing.

If you bang unsaved your credentials, the archetypal abstraction you change to do is to know which division faculty meliorate you lay it. It gift not be replaced by the yank polity, but by the dos. All the documents specified as nativity, wedding and alteration certificates are donated by the commonwealth.

Look for the Division of Alive Statistics in your municipality or city. You can judge this department with the improve of County tribunal asylum or Section of Wellbeing. The quickest way to get the kinship document replaced is to smouldering in the comparable expanse of your kinship. Still, this is not a standard for match. Act trustworthy that when you go to the Department of Essential Statistics, you endure identification insure that is issued by the commonwealth. In plus, disperse your Interpersonal Warranty carte or your memory. The configuration can be downloaded from the County website, printed, filled and then posted with the necessary documents.

The organise should be attended with a asking for a alteration credential commutation. After that you hump to signalize an affidavit and submit it too. Kind careful you modify out the faculty for peer.

Generally nascence certificates are replaced only in marvellous or particular circumstances. Also, the compeer is presented exclusive to the individual who has applied for it, or his or her quick unit.

The impact can swan a few weeks, so be enduring.

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Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor. Üye Ol ya da Giriş Yap
Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor. Üye Ol ya da Giriş Yap
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Linklerin Görülmesine İzin Verilmiyor. Üye Ol ya da Giriş Yap

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