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Canli Online Medyum Bes Ipuclari - medyumburak.com
« : 02 Kasım 2011, 09:35:06 »


Canli online psisik okuma icin bir psisik secerken, size zaman veya para atik ve hayal kirikligi deneyimi hissi uzak gelmek icin ne bekliyor anlamak icin onemlidir. Some excellent and bona fide psychics may find it challenging to give a psychic reading online because in a live reading, psychics usually charge per minute. Bazilari cok iyi ve iyi niyetli medyumlar canli bir okuma, medyumlar genellikle dakikada sarj cunku bir psisik okuma cevrimici vermek zor bulabilirsiniz.

Consequently there is a lot of pressure on their part to tune into your energy immediately and get right to the heart of the matter at hand. Sonuc olarak, kendilerine dusen basinci hemen enerji olarak ayarlamak ve eldeki maddenin kalp sag olsun cok sey var. And there is enormous expectation on the part of the caller that the psychic will know everything about them in one minute or less. Ve psisik bir dakika veya daha az onlar hakkinda her seyi bilecek arayanin parcasi uzerinde cok buyuk bir beklenti var. This is unrealistic. Bu gercekci degildir. There are many phone psychics who are very gifted and consummate professionals, and you can definitely benefit from getting a live online psychic reading if you know what to look for. Orada, cok yetenekli ve erdirmek profesyoneller cok sayida telefon medyumlar, ve size ne aradiginizi biliyorsaniz kesinlikle bir canli online psisik okuma yararlanabilir.

Here are five tips for getting the most out of your live online psychic reading. Iste en iyi sekilde canli online psisik okuma almak icin bes ipucu.

1. 1. Use a reputable service for your online psychic reading. Online psisik okuma icin saygin bir hizmet kullanin. Not all phone psychic services test their psychics. Telefonun tum psisik hizmetleri medyumlar test edin. There are some online psychic reading services where anyone can sign up to give advice and they don't have to have one modicum of psychic ability. Herkes tavsiye vermek uzere kaydolmak ve psisik yetenegi bir nebze zorunda degilsiniz, bazi cevrimici psisik okuma hizmetler vardir. Make sure the service you are using for psychic readings is one in which the phone psychics are tested for real psychic ability. Psisik okumalari icin kullandiginiz telefon medyumlar gercek psisik yetenegi test edildigi bir hizmet emin olun.

2. 2. Don't give false information in an attempt to test the psychic. Psisik test etmek icin bir girisim yanlis bilgi vermeyin. This is a waste of time in a live online psychic reading. Bu bir canli online psisik okuma bir zaman kaybidir. A real psychic does have the ability to tune into your energy whether or not you give false information, such as a fake date of birth. Gercek bir psisik enerji gibi sahte dogum tarihi olarak yanlis bilgi vermek olsun ya da olmasin icine ayarlamak icin yetenegi var. However, such falsities can distort the reading. Ancak, bu tur sahteligi okuma bozabilirsiniz. Your need to "test" the psychic in this way defeats your purpose of getting accurate answers to your questions. Bu sekilde psisik "test", sorulara dogru yanitlar alma amaci yendi. If you want accurate answers to your questions, don't use this tactic. Sorulara dogru yanitlar istiyorsaniz, bu taktigi kullanmayin.

3. 3. Ground and center yourself and clear your mind of attachment to outcome. Zemin ve merkezi kendiniz ve sonuca eki zihninizi temizleyin. There are some psychics who are telepathic. Telepatik bazi medyumlar vardir. If you begin your psychic reading with your own ideas about what you want to hear, you could end up with distorted answers. Duymak istedikleri seyleri, kendi fikirleri ile psisik okumaya baslamak, carpik cevaplar ile bitebilecegini.

4. 4. Have your questions ready. Sorularinizi hazir bulundurun. There is common misconception that the psychic will know your entire life in a few minutes. Sanildiginin psisik bir kac dakika icinde tum hayat bilecek yoktur. While this is possible and desirable, it's not practical in a live reading. Bu mumkun ve arzu edilir olsa da, canli bir okuma pratik degil. General questions get general answers. Genel sorulara genel cevaplar olsun. Be specific. Spesifik olun. Unless you are calling to know everything about your entire life, or calling about things you already know the answers to, know exactly what you'd like to find out about. Eger tum yasam hakkinda her seyi bilmek cagiran, ya da zaten yanitlarini bilmek seyler hakkinda cagrisinda surece, sizin hakkinizda bilgi edinmek icin tam olarak ne istiyorum biliyor. Otherwise the psychic will be looking in directions that you may not even care about. Aksi takdirde bile umurumda degil yonlerden psisik ariyor olacak.

5. 5. Take notes. Notlar alin. There is a lot of anticipation in a live online psychic reading and a lot of information can be brought forth in a short amount of time. Beklentisiyle bir suru canli online psisik okuma ve bilgi cok kisa bir miktarda ortaya getirilebilir. When you're on the line with a phone psychic, you are processing this information in a different way than if you listen and take notes at the same time. Psisik bir telefon hatti uzerinde oldugunuzda, ayni zamanda dinlemek ve not almak, daha farkli bir sekilde bu bilgi isleme. Make a note of the psychic's name, date of your call, and what phone psychic service you're using. Psisik adi, arama tarihini ve hangi kullanmakta oldugunuz telefon psisik hizmeti bir kenara not edin. In a month or so, look back at your notes and you could be very surprised at the accuracy of your phone psychic reading. Ayda bir ya da oylesine, notlariniza bakip cok telefon psisik okuma dogrulugunu surpriz olabilir.

You may feel like an online psychic reading is a waste of your time and money. Online psisik okuma, zaman ve para israfi gibi hissedebilirsiniz. I felt that way too when I had my first live psychic reading. Ben ilk canli psisik okuma vardi ben de oyle hissettim. Now that I know what to look for, I always get the most out of my live online psychic readings. Ben neye bakacagini bilmek Simdi, ben her zaman canli online psisik okuma en iyi sekilde almak. I've tried many services, but I have found the best Live Online Psychic Readings from Voice of the Angels . Ben bircok hizmet denedim, ama ben iyi bulduk Canli Medyum from Voice of Angels .

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